Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Malaysian Indian’s Brains Interloked!

'Pariah was not a fashionable word to insult anyone anymore until this issue surfaced. Therefore Indian leaders, Murugiah, MIC and other Pakatan Indians are equally responsible in revival of this word, which until recently was regularly associated with dogs rather than Indians'

'The day Indian Malaysian themselves reject caste system, seeks equality in social standing and work towards making it non existent in Malaysia, only then the word Pariah will become meaningless and do no harm to anyone, except for maybe the dogs. It's all their own doing and solution is in their own hands therefore, they should not blame the others'


I received sms today from a lizard brained fellow Indian (I am getting more and more ashamed of being associated with these fellows nowdays). It sounds like this,’very very urgent, please go to Berita Harian online bancian section. Please select batal penggunaan Interlok as currently batal is at 7% and to terus guna is at 67%.

The deputy PM has already announced that some editing might be made to remove allegedly insulting references, Pariah, therefore the bancian and all those sms will benefit only one party, the telcos.

Malaysian Indians, their political leaders from both ends have proven one thing with this episode, they can be hypocrites of the highest order and sometimes, as in this instance, they outdo their counterparts in India. I don’t have to say more about those equally well horned racist and self declared religious extremist, HINDRAF.

Why Now?

The book Interlok has been there for almost 3 decades and no one had any complains. There are many Malaysian Indians who are expert writers, lecturers and even examiners in Bahasa Malaysia. 2 of my high school (early 90s) Bahasa Malaysia teachers were Indians, and I really thought their Bahasa Malaysia were superb and far better than their Malay counterparts. People like them would have certainly come across this novel but chose to remain silent; probably they knew that the word Pariah was relevant, existent and a fact during those years.

As for the masses, Malaysian Indians, except maybe for the youth in national schools, rarely read anything other than a Tamil daily, it is no surprise that only now they have realised the existence of this novel.

I see no reason to remove the Pariah word from the book. Read this to get some idea why.

While I agree that some students may, on purpose use the Pariah word to insult fellow Indian students, it is not a good reason to edit, reprint and distribute the novel all over again. Let’s be realistic, Form 5 student, from my experience, have in their vocabulary , far more degrading, insulting and vulgar words that they could possibly use to insult others.

Pariah was not a fashionable word to insult anyone anymore until this issue surfaced. Therefore Indian leaders, Murugiah, MIC and other Pakatan Indians are equally responsible in revival of this word, which until recently was regularly associated with dogs rather than Indians.

The Maniam family story of coming from a untouchable class or caste is real as many Indians that time thought that they would be able run away from the archaic caste and slavery system in India to start a new lease of life in Malaya. This is true and cannot be denied despite the other reason being better life, survival and nothing else.

Wake Up MIC, Indian Political Leaders, Hindu Sangam & Hindraf.

Caste Politics (MIC & IPF)

I wonder why, suddenly everyone wants to champion the lower class when caste system is still alive in Malaysia. Why these so-called leaders aren’t criticizing existing caste based social structures prevalent in the country, though they are diminishing by the way of mix marriages and ignorance of the better educated lot.

It is a known fact that MIC and it’s leadership are controlled by people of certain upper class or caste. Can they deny this? During the last MIC election, caste was a definitive factor and there was even a group who openly called themselves ‘Nammavar’ which when loosely translated as‘our people’ but silently means ‘our caste’.

When there is rampant acknowledgement of caste politics within the party, why do they suddenly want to defend the untouchables (pariahs) or is it that they feel insulted because they belong to a upper caste and not because the word is insulting to all Indians. I suspect, deep in their heart, the former is the main reason.

MIC’s decades of indulgence in caste politics finally came to open or rather conflict when MG Padithan came to the fore. He managed to become a Vice-President and leadership thought this is the most an untouchable should achieve in the party.

Pandithan’s ouster from MIC in the 80’s revived the caste politics and IPF was born. Pandithan managed to get substantial support from the lower class and caste in estates and other rural areas. If this is not caste politics, I don’t know what is! This is not in an way dissimilar from situation in India where political parties exist mainly to champion respective caste and receive overwhelming support from particular caste. That’s the world’s biggest and flawed democracy at work.

MIC should just shut up and work towards abolishing caste based politics first before thinking of banning any book.

Hindu Sangam Should Just Shut Up

Hindu Sangam’s new leadership found this issue a good opportunity for some cheap publicity for it’s new office bearers. They have chosen to ignore the fact that Hinduism itself is riddled with discrimination based on caste and that even certain gods are associated with certain class and caste. Can they deny this? Why must only people from Brahmin caste can be a temple priest? Until this day people from upper class refuse to enter or even eat in other people’s house deemed to be those in the lower class.

Why don’t Hindu Sangam revolutionise the religion and declare that anyone from any caste can become a priest? I have written to Hindu Sangam on many issues closely related to abuse of religion, cult movements, Thaipusam mayhem , batu caves etc and never received any reply. Hindu Sangam should focus on issues such as this that will benefit the Hindu as a whole. They should just shut up and focus on what they are suppose to do and not waste time on something (Caste) that they themselves legitimize.

Why Don’t They Do This

This Interlok issue provides a golden opportunity for Hindraf and other like minded Indian leaders to reclaim their fast losing support from Indians. If they are insulted with the word ‘Pariah’ they should also be insulted with certain community who identifies themselves by caste. There’s this temple hall at Jalan Ipoh which belongs to a certain caste.

Why don’t Hindraf, who always slams UMNO using the phrase ‘Malay Muslim Terrorist’, go and demolish this hall to prove that they support equality and rejects caste system within the Indian community.

Why burn the books. The book burning incident clearly proves that Indians deserves to be called Pariahs as sometimes they behave like one. Why not burn thousands of books on Hinduism that directly and indirectly promotes and justifies the caste system. Why can’t they discuss and argue this issue in a rational manner rather that becoming emotional.

Why don’t they go and demand that all caste based societies (there are hundreds of them registered with ROS) deregistered.

If Hindu Sangam, MIC , PKR, DAP and Hindraf is really interested to eradicate identification of Indians by caste, they should seek for abolishment of all caste
based societies, temples and NGOs.

They should also demand that Indians should not use their caste names in official documents such as Identity Cards, Birth Certificates and non-official ones such as wedding invitations. I have seen many of those who add caste to their names in the wedding cards although their Identity Cards do not carry one. That’s how particular these people are.

The day Indian Malaysian themselves reject caste system, seeks equality in social standing and work towards making it non existent in Malaysia, only then the word Pariah will become meaningless and do no harm to anyone, except for maybe the dogs. It's all their own doing and solution is in their own hands therefore, they should not blame the others.